Who Lives here?
The neighborhood is multigenerational. According to the 2009-13 American Community Survey, Millennials and Generation-X’ers are 22% of householders, 24% are ages 35 to 44. The average age of men and women in that group was 42, 69% female and 31% male, 94% black. Our retirement community, ages 65 and older, is about 13% of all households.
Educational attainment of householders mostly consists of high school graduates, 21%, and 21% of folks went through some college or earned an associate’s degree and 27% earned a Bachelor’s degree or higher. Even with 69% of the population being educated, labor force participation is only 54% (ages 16 years and over).
In all, there were 542 households surveyed, with an average household size of 2.6. That total can be further analyzed to reveal 254 families, with an average household size of 3.6. Most people who live in Ashview Heights rent their homes, 57%, but 23% of householders have been here since the 1980’s.
At the time of the survey, 66% of the labor force earned an income below the poverty level. The average income was $19, 808, which is less than half of the median household income for the City of Atlanta in 2013, $46,631.